Module 4 Luteal-The Ritual

Fire Ritual

To continue the theme of release, you are going to do a fire ritual. This is meant to solidify and fully shed all that wants to be released from within you.

How to:

  • Prepare your space: find a private space where it is safe to use fire.

    Build your fire: you can use a fire pit, cauldron, cast iron, or any container that is heat resistant. Pour epsom salt into your container and then saturate the salt with alcohol. Use a match or lighter to light the salt.

  • Take your piece of paper you journaled from the Embodiment (Luteal Rage) and burn this paper.

  • Imgine this shedding being fully let go and released.

  • Watch it fully burn

  • Once the fire is out and it is safe to touch, take the ash and release it into the earth.