Module 1 Start Here-The Teaching

To fully allow your body to be in a state of relaxation, listen to the 3 minute guided meditation to sink into your body before receiving the content of this module.

Journal Prompts

  • What is your intention in diving into this course? Allow this to be your guiding thread throughout the modules.

Facebook Group

Please be sure to connect and join the private Facebook group that has been created specifically for members of this course and other paid courses.

*IMPORTANT MESSAGE* Please know that while this course is brining deep connection to ourselves and healing on a multidimensional level, it is still “work.” Be gentle on yourself. Take breaks when you need it. Confide in a friend through the hard moments. Let someone know that you are embarking on an inward journey so they are aware of the shifts and support that may arise. This course is NOT medical advice and you should always seek professional medical help when needed.