Module 1 Start Here-The Ritual

Connecting to the Earth Elements

As we venture into the depths of the rhythm of our wombs, we will learn how these connect to the seasons of nature. We are going on a journey to not only intimately connect with ourselves, but with mother earth as well. This ritual will guide you to invite and embrace the earth elements.

The Ritual

  • Create an alter encompassing the earth elements: water, fire, earth, air. Feel free to go on a nature walk to fully sink into the invitation to connect with mother earth.

Some examples are, but not limited to:

-water with salt, rain water or water from a natural body of water
-fire-candle, matches/lighter, images of sun or crystals that hold this color
-earth-soil, leaves, rocks, acorns, crystals, seeds, flowers
-air-incense, feather, fan, bell or chime, images of sky/clouds

  • Say a prayer and/or intention for your course ahead.

    Prayer example:

    May the Divine grant me,

    The power of water, to accept with ease and grace and flow with what arises in my life that I cannot change

    The power of fire, the courage and strength to change the things I can.

    The power of ether, to know with intuition and wisdom, which is which,

    The power of air, to breath deeply and sink into the human experience

    The power of earth, to ground into the earth and myself.

    May I allow my heart, soul and womb to open to the depths of me and begin to intimately connect to myself and mother earth.

    May I be protected by the Divine and Archangel Michael as I move along this journey of opening myself up to wisdom and healing.

    I give gratitude for the path that led me here.

    May this journey unfold my highest path of destiny.

    And so it is,


  • Meditate and sit with your alter

    -This is your time to use your intuition to guide this space and ritual. Maybe you feel called to move your body intuitively, pull tarot/oracle cards, journal, sit in silence, or do the guided meditation that follows. Allow your inner wisdom and the wisdom of the alter to guide you.