Module 5 Menstruation-The Embodiment

Womb Cave

Womb Breathwork

This guided breathwork came to be on my most recent bleed, April 2024. April was a monumental month for me in allowing all structures and identity of self to fall away. With this came an intense bleed. She was heavy, fierce, and a force to be reckoned with. She was painful. I became curious, although it seemed fitting for all that was moving through me. I laid in bed and placed my hands on her and asked her how I could support her. I simply heard, breath into me. Although I am giving you this breathwork during your bleed, it can truly be done anytime and anywhere. Find a comfortable resting position and enjoy.

Journal Prompts

  • Reflect on the past month.

  • When did you show up fully for yourself and needs?

  • Where could you have honored yourself more?

  • What parts of you are ready to die and be shed?

  • What is your womb asking of you to sink deeper into?